Should I Go Back

Why Giving Your Marriage One Last Try Could Actually Help You Move On

The idea for “Should I Go Back: Why Giving Your Marriage One Last Try Could Actually Help You Move On”
came from my desire over the years to share my experiences of marriage and divorce with others who
might be going through similar things.

Just to be clear – this book was not written by a marriage counselor or by a therapist. It was written by me –
a regular person who has personally experienced the complete and utter assurance that comes over you
when you know there is no future in your current situation. When you reach that end – there is really no
turning back. The only way out is forward. And that means divorce is inevitable.

This book is meant to be a guide to understanding your own very personal experiences and where they are
ultimately taking you. Whether you decide to work things out or move ahead with divorce, you will know
you did everything you could to salvage the relationship. And that, my friends, is exactly where you want to
be. That is the secret to moving on to becoming a happy, healthy and whole person.

It’s my desire to help you learn, through my experiences, that taking charge of the things you can control
will, in many cases, save your marriage. And if it can’t save your marriage, at least it can save your family
and each person in it. But you have to be open-minded. You have to find the humility. And you have to be

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